
According to Goldman, the world economy is recovering

The world economy may have already reached the bottom, according to Jan Hatzius, chief economist at Goldman Sachs.

While economic growth remains weak, Goldman’s current economic activity indicator shows higher value in February, rising above revised levels in January and December.

“There are several green points that suggest a new, consistent growth.” – say Hatzius and Sven Jari Stehn. However, the risks to global GDP remain, with Goldman’s growth forecast at 3.5% this year, with the risks of continuing to inhibit growth.

According to the bank, risky assets will remain preferable, although upward movements are limited, as markets have become quite “sensitive” for the thought of a recession. They expect bonds to rise and maintain a bearish view of the US dollar, considering the dovish FED and the expected recovery in global growth.

Goldman are also bullish about oil, believing they will continue to rise for another 2-3 months.

Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P.

Graphs: Used with permission of Bloomberg Finance L.P.

 Trader Martin Nikolov

Varchev Absolute Trader

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