
Descartes Square, an easy way to analyze decisions

More training materials can be found here: https://bit.ly/38TgFm2

Every day we make hundreds of decisions – from what to wear, what actions to take, what conversations to hold, to making serious decisions about other people. Every day from the moment of awakening, a person, consciously or not, begins to make judgments, make decisions and make his choices.

Often, each of us acts under the influence of emotions, without clarifying the situation, without considering all possible solutions, or without considering the consequences. That is why very often his choice leads to suboptimal results, after which he has to put a lot of effort to correct the wrong decision.
The author of this technique to clarify the situation is the French philosopher Rene Descartes, who was also a mathematician, physicist, mechanic, physiologist, and also the author of the method of radical doubt (philosophy) and founder of algebraic symbolism and analytical geometry. As for the specific technique, it is, of course, simple and ingenious.

What will happen if this does not happen?
What will not happen if this does not happen?
What will happen if this happens?
What will not happen if this happens?
The idea is this: take a sheet of paper, divide it and write down the questions. Then you start writing down all the possible answers you can think of.

Example. Suppose we have an irresistible desire to buy something, but we do not have enough money, so the supposed solution to get the desired item is to “take credit”. So, we divide the sheet into four squares (or rectangles) and in each we write the questions in the following way:
1. What are the pros if taking a loan?

2. What are the disadvantages of taking a loan?

3. What are the pros if I do not take credit?

4. What are the disadvantages if I do not take credit?

Working with the Descartes Square and squaring the available data, you can sometimes notice a lack of important information to make the right decision, and then this gap must be filled. During the work with the four questions, when you analyze the situation from different points of view, the unnecessary emotions subside, the mind calms down and everything becomes clear. And when the situation is clear enough, it becomes very easy to make the right decision. This practice, as a rule, does not require much time.

Filling Descartes’ square, you will feel the confusion of thoughts disappear and the situation becomes clearer. When the confusion is gone enough, you will feel that the emotions have subsided, “the head has cooled down”, there is a clear understanding of which decision will be the right one. In other words, you begin to feel the voice of reason, “cool” and “calm,” and you accept it. The decision, made on the basis of common sense (or common sense, taking into account all possible consequences), turns out to be the right one. These decisions are not always ideal, because you may not always have all the information you need to make the best choice, but in any case, a given decision-making technique will be invaluable. Of course, if necessary, gaps can and should be filled if the information is not enough to assess the pros and cons of the processed solution.

More training materials can be found here: https://bit.ly/38TgFm2

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