* www.varchevcrypto.com is owned and managed by Varchev Dealing Group Ltd., Bulgarian limited liability company with UIC 103761531. The company is registered with the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and holds Certificate № ВВ-246/04.06.2024 for registration in the Public Register of Persons who by Occupation Provide Services for Exchange between Virtual Currencies and Fiat Currencies.
"Varchev Finance" Ltd. does not provide financial and investment services on www.varchevcrypto.com.
Crypto asset investments are highly volatile and may be not subject to regulation and to investor and/or consumer protection in your country. Availability and regulations may vary from territory to territory. Tax on profits from crypto trading may apply.
Trading crypto on margin (i.e. using leverage) is not suitable for everyone. Investing in such instruments involves a high degree of risk of loss. Before trading on margin you should be aware of the risks involved due to the fluctuation in the value of such instruments' prices, which can cause fluctuations in the value of your investment. Any type of market or trade speculation that can yield an unusually high return on investment is subject to unusually high risks. Large losses may be suffered within a relatively short period of time due to adverse market movements or to position build-up. Before deciding to enter into FX, precious metals or CFD trading on margin, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. You should only trade the portion of your own assets you are disposed and cannot afford to lose entirely: only your surplus funds should be placed at risk and if you do not have such surplus funds you should imperatively avoid engaging in margin trading. In case of doubts on the risks related to FX, precious metals and CFD trading on margin you should consult any independent financial advisor and request any necessary information.