
Varchev Finance main strategy for managing mutual funds

The management of the investment portfolios of Varchev High-Yield Fund is active. This means that the assets held and the markets where they are traded are analyzed every day, decisions are made to sell or add to the position. With active fund management, a good level of risk and return is achieved, even during a recession. How does this work? We are leading from the maxim “if tomorrow we need, we will sell everything.”

Varchev Finance’s investment strategy adheres to maximum diversification of risk, with investments being made on the four most developed markets in the world, USA, Germany, France, Great Britain and Bulgaria. The strategy aims to invest in the best companies included in this country indices or so-called blue chips.

In addition to diversifying the portfolio through investments in different markets, the strategy also uses the purchase of financial instruments that yield yields in a declining market – inverse ETFs. Thus, in the event of a market failure, the yield on these instruments will cover part of the losses or all losses.

Assignment of assets and maximum admissible values ​​for one type of asset in the portfolio:
– Shares of foreign companies traded on a regulated market – up to 60 per cent of the Fund’s assets.
– Units of investment companies or other Contractual Funds, including Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) – up to 30 per cent of the Fund’s assets;
– Securities issued or guaranteed by the Bulgarian State or the Bulgarian National Bank or by other countries, central banks or international organizations and bank deposits according to the law – up to 50 per cent of the Fund’s assets.
– Mortgage bonds and other debt securities issued by Bulgarian banks as well as qualified debt securities issued by foreign banks – up to 50 per cent of the Fund’s assets.
– Corporate bonds of Bulgarian issuers accepted for trading on a regulated market in accordance with the requirements of the law – up to 70 per cent of the Fund’s assets.
– Shares of Bulgarian companies traded on a regulated market – up to 70 per cent of the Fund’s assets
Bank deposits.
– Bank deposits – up to 50 per cent of the Fund’s assets.

Varchev Finance offers investment in two mutual funds and individual portfolio management: www.varchevfunds.com

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