
Why do the big players on Wall Street like to meditate?

Some of Wall Street’s most successful investors—including billionaires Daniel Loeb, Paul Tudor Jones, and Ray Dalio—begin their days sitting on a pillow and meditating.

“Meditation, more than any other factor, is the reason for my success,” says Dalio, who has practiced it for 42 years. He says it makes him feel like a “ninja in battle.”

Meditation trains their minds in the same way that going to the gym trains our bodies. Meditation is becoming so popular in financial circles that meditation classes at Goldman Sachs have waiting lists that are hundreds of names long, because no one wants to give up a possible competitive advantage.

Here’s what research shows about the benefits of meditation:

-A 2005 Harvard Medical School study found that meditation increases the thickness of your prefrontal cortex, the center of your brain associated with attention and self-awareness.
-A 2009 study from Aarhus University in Denmark found that people who meditate have thicker brainstems.
-A 2010 study from the University of California, Davis found that meditation increases your attention span.
-A 2010 study from Harvard Medical School shows that meditation increases the density of your gray matter in areas associated with learning and memory processes, emotion regulation, self-awareness and perspective taking.
-A 2014 study by the International College of Thailand found that meditators had lower levels of burnout and coped better with work-related stress.
-A 2014 study from the University of Amsterdam linked meditation practice to attention to detail and creative performance.

And this is just a sampling of the many studies being done on the benefits of meditation.

For starters, meditation instructor and author of Real Happiness at Work Sharon Salzberg tells us that meditation is really just paying attention to the sensations in your body and mind.

Here are her instructions:

“Use the body and breathe. You don’t even have to close your eyes. Focus on the sensations of the breath so you can feel the air coming in and out. Observe the thoughts and emotions that come up and try your best to treat them as experiences in the moment. It is not about stopping thoughts and emptying the mind, but rather observing the thoughts instead of being overwhelmed by them. Then we will be able to make a conscious choice and choose; I will give up that thought or act on it.”

Start doing this every morning and you’ll be a ninja in no time.

 Senior Dealer Yulian Bonzov

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