
How to overcome the crisis of the losses in trading rooms?

/ More training materials can be found here: https://www.varchev.com/trading-uni.htm /

There are times in which traders should start to recover from an erroneous trades that they brought losses. Regardless of how waste of money – whether through over-trading, making wrong decisions or indecision at least once every trader is experienced anything like this and without the ability to recover and start to think soberly you lost. (Or this is not the place where you are).
There are different steps for recovery to be driven and here we present some of them. Without pretending that these are the only steps is offering 5 ways for recovery, which are considered essential and should be used by traders in the passing of a long time back. Then we will see a few ways to overcome the crisis that may occur in prolonged bad deals.

1. Admit it. Stand face to face with the problem. Call it lack of confidence or big scary monster market. Whatever it is, it should clearly formulate and try to deal with it.

2. Seek help. You would not have to go through this alone. Without any support is easy to repeat crisis. Find a mentor or someone who knows more than you, to help you to return to the path of success and to add new capabilities to your asset. The point is that if left to their own thinking is quite possible to get into the same situation again.

3. Make a list. Make a list that you pokakzhe what is left in inventory as finance login and market confidence. Yet may not be worth going back in time and trade can rethink your last action and find a new and better way to go back in time. It is possible immediately to find the answer to your question and to return more quickly than expected.

4. Familiarize yourself with the case. What you put in the situation to need to restore? Lack of respect for the market? A series of small mistakes, which led to a greater loss than expected? Understanding this may be painful for some, but still have to answer these questions that can help you not make the same mistakes in the future.

5. Back in the saddle again. The last step is to return to the market and start trading again after you have passed the previous steps. Understand better what you need to you personally and how to avoid the same mistakes that led you here. Visualize back on the road, how do deals, remain disciplined and have success.
After you make some steps of recovery and be able to overcome the pain and deep wounds, must step forward and remove errors in future trade. The adoption of large loss can often lead to problems or even worse mental problems. You begin to doubt yourself and to put reflection any decision, and it will need to take the next few steps.

1. Take as much as you need. All know what you have in mind! When you start – you need to run smart. Take the few that gives you the market and improving the process and results. Start so you will be set for the return of the market and little by little you will reach profits with minimal risk.

2. specialize. Pointing focus on certain things can remove much of the country. Many errors happen because svrahtargoviya and decisions made brash. Trading without a plan you play divination. Realizing against what conditions you face and having a strategy that best suits them.

3. Set realistic expectations. As much as you want, do not think you’ll be back on the road to success so quickly. High expectations may be the root of the problem and for his enthusiasm and lower the head to a small but lasting expectations.

4. Check the risk. In the above section we showed that we should not engage in large transactions to return quickly and so risking a new loss. To avoid this limited risk for each transaction and be careful about the number of items lent to not end up again with a loss.

5. Choose “hits”. Initially, after you have returned to the market head to most tools familiar to you. Taking advantage of the larger knowledge and limited risk will reach rhythm of successful transactions and results – what we are sought from the start.

/ More training materials can be found here: https://www.varchev.com/trading-uni.htm /

 Dealer Anatoliy Pavlov

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