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Open a Real Account - Online

To Open real account on-line for trading, without visit to our offices, please prepare the following documents:
1. Double sided copy of your personal identification card - scanned or picture with phone;
2. Copy of utility bill for water, electricity, heating or bank account statement.
Note: All amounts can be wiped out.
3. The process of opening a trading account ends with deposit of funds by bank transfer from client's side
(with no minimum requirement). This step is important in order to identify the client credentials.

It is necessary to fill in the form below, then a confirmation email will be sent to you by Varchev Finance with security information and password for login.

Name of Owner

Address on your personal identification card

Date and Place of Birth

Personal Data

Varchev Finance Ltd can not offer real trading accounts with leverage to American or Belgian Citizens, due to governmental restrictions.


If has more than one citizenship (including green card in the case of USA), please list in the field below all countries of which the Account Holder is a citizen.

Jurisdiction of tax residence and Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Jurisdiction of which the Account Holder is a resident for tax purposes:
Tax Identification Number issued by that Jurisdiction:

In the Account Holder is a tax resident of more then one Jurisdiction,
please fill in information for each Jurisdiction separately.

Other Jurisdiction of which the Account Holder is a resident for tax purposes:
Tax Identification Number issued by that other Jurisdiction:

Please fill in below information in order to access if the service is compatible with your risk appetite

Under MiFID regulations

I declare the following

What are your goals in Trading

YES  /  NO
Trading Forex only
Trading Futures and Indices only
High Gains, with higher risk and overloading of the account
Small but frequent deals/orders
Higher lot size deals and frequent orders
Speculative orientation (Trading for small amount of pips but with bigger lot sizes)
Trading type - By breaking the box
Trading with account with over $20,000
Trading the news
Do trade by profession

What is the frequency of your trading. How often would you open positions with the above financial instruments:

Type of trades:

Skills in investing/trading with financial instruments

I trade with the following:

YES  /  NO
- stocks
- futures
- forex
- CFDs
- other financial intruments:

I have traded the following:

- other financial intruments:


I am currently working or have worked in:

Education Level:

Taking into an account the above provided information, Varchev Finance Co. Advises you that the following service is:

The service is suitable for the client.

The service is not suitable for the client

Cannot be determined whether the service is suitable for the client based on the information provided by the client.


Contact information

Please choose your platform

Account currency type

I declare that the open positions in my account in currency to be

( maximum 1:500 )

* As an individual and the law, Varchev Finance categorizes you as an "unprofessional". You have the right, if you would like your categorization to be changed to "Professional", please keep in mind that this change will limit your client security.

Where did you hear about us?

Documents for identification

Please attach double sided clear copy of your personal
identification card - Scanned or made by phone
Personal identification card - back, if on two pages.

Please attach bank statement or utility bill not older than 3 months. Please note that all amounts can be scratched or wiped out, however the personal data of the owner must be visible and identical to the data in the above form and matching with owners identification card.

The process of opening a trading account ends with deposit of funds by bank transfer from client's side(with no minimum requirement). This step is important in order to identify the client credentials.
"Varchev Finance" Ltd. is reserving the right to ask for an additional documents from the client during the process in order to identify the client's credentials.

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